Laurenson: The Railroad Murder Case
Laurenson: The Railroad Murder Case
Every railroad man knows that trouble comes in threes. Baxter, the engineer on passenger train Number 61, reflected on two near-catastrophes—the brake-man who had stepped in front of a yard engine; and the narrowly avoided collision—and wondered what would happen next. A number of possibilities suggested themselves, but he did not foresee murder. Actually, the bloodstained axe which was the murder weapon was found on the tracks by a signal maintainer before the corpse was discovered. Only a few minutes later, the brutally mutilated body of Mr. Richards, president of the railroad, caused a wave of dismay to sweep over the passengers of train 61. Luckily Marc Jordan, an attorney who knew railroading, was on hand, and was able not only to avert a panic but also to help the police solve the crime.
Publishing Note
Published in 1948.